SappChat Can’t See Your Messages When They’re End-to-End Encrypted

Here’s what you need to know about the debate over end-to-end encryption
Let’s hash it out.

What is End-to-End Encryption? How is it Different from Other Encryption?

How Encryption Works
When we use the internet through our gadgets, we all send and receive a lot of data, whether we realize it or not. And some of this data is sensitive (passwords, bank information, personal images, etc.) and could result in serious consequences if stolen or tampered with. So, how can we ensure that this does not happen? This is when encryption comes into play.
Encryption is the process of converting our data into an unreadable format that no one else can read or change. It’s what keeps us safe in the internet’s vastness.
Here’s an example of a phrase of text that’s been encrypted:
Plain text: This is a SappChat message.
Encrypted text: eXP3jH+7giCt1gIg0zHm3j3DPI1xuFRvbhmaKJx/uQQ=
As you can see, there’s no way to figure out what the encrypted text means — unless, of course, you have the private key to decrypt it.

How End-to-End Encryption Works
Let’s move on to end-to-end encryption now. End-to-end encryption is exactly what it sounds like: it allows for encrypted communication that only the sender and receiver can read/see. No one in the middle, whether SappChat, the government, or any messaging service provider, can read or decrypt messages exchanged from one device to another.
In other words, the messages you send are decrypted at the communication’s endpoint — the device to which you’re sending them. The server you’re transmitting the data through (for example, Facebook) will be unable to decrypt or read your messages.

SappChat Can’t See Your Messages When They’re End-to-End Encrypted
The difference between the two is that although normal or link encryption encrypts data, the server sending data between two devices has the potential to decode it. End-to-end encryption, on the other hand, uses the server to send the data (how else would it be transferred?) but does not allow the server to decrypt the data. As a result, the server is merely a conduit for the transmission of encrypted data. Hence, SappChat or any other end-to-end encrypted app won’t be able to read your information (even if they want to).



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