Privacy: A Basic Human Right

Some people apparently have ‘nothing to hide.’ So, they don’t care about privacy. It’s ironic how the most intelligent race on earth can also be the most naive. Besides rationality and self-consciousness, the sense of privacy is what separates humans from other animals.
Only humans have a personal realm to their existence. From mating in private to nurturing our thoughts and feelings, privacy manifests in diverse aspects of our lives. It is an evolutionary outcome and a mark of civilization; it is integral to humanity’s essence. Therefore, to deny privacy is to return to uncivilization.
For these reasons and more, we have focused on financial and data privacy. The demand for privacy in finance is not a defense mechanism of criminals or defaulters. Contrary to such authoritarian propaganda, it is a fundamental human right.
With rampant surveillance and manipulation becoming the norm, privacy becomes even more important for individuals. Our personal information is among the primary resources for the globally expanding data analytics market, predicted to surpass $130 billion by 2026. The monetization of data is rampant but not in favor of people who are the actual owner. Therefore, resistance is only natural.
Big tech firms are the worst violators of privacy — probably worse than the authoritarian regimes. But we often misplace the blame on technological innovation, which makes us miss a crucial point — the neutrality of technology.
The way we use the available technology determines if it is good or bad. Unfortunately, technology has exacerbated the threat to privacy in the hands of big tech companies. But we must not forget that our most potent privacy protection tools are also the outcomes of technological innovation. Bitcoin awoke us to this reality by combining public-key cryptography, proof-of-work, and distributed ledger (blockchain) to build a decentralized, peer-to-peer network.
Ethereum followed suit, and today, we have an entire range of decentralized, privacy-prioritized solutions in finance. For instance, Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Confidential Transactions enable us to verify financial transactions without revealing their content.
And now comes the time for SappChat and its innovative solution! It is a blockchain-based and distributed platform that safely, privately, and securely connects users worldwide via cutting-edge encryption and mobile communication technologies.



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A decentralized Messaging App meets Decentralized Banking powered by Blockchain and AI. Its connecting everyone personally, financially, privately and securely.